Sunday, March 26, 2006

::: Forecast of Glittering Gold :::

Gold Suvey for 2006

Gold can bottom at 520.95 & can rally upto 720 $ no doubt second half can genarte market upwords

Gold Range in the month of April
The Gold will take correction in first 10 days next 20 days we can see central bank buying gold back it will be in a range of 545-585

Gold Range in the month of May
Here we can see the dollar may do its best & gold will be stilll in range of 550 -585

Gold Range in the month of June
The Gold can be weak here we can see the range of 530-560 lvls

Gold Range in the month of July
The Gold demand will be laging as dollar will gain here The market will start consolidate here at around 555-535

Gold Range in the month of August
The rangae bound & consolidation can prove to be some buying intrest at 525 rally can speak suddenly at 545

Gold Range in the month of September
The Gold bugs & central bank including banks of Japan Russia & EU will start its buying here at 530 lvls

Gold Range in the month of October
The gOld summer begins here with jerking to of 585-620

Gold Range in the month of November
The gold may strike at 620-650 $

Gold Range in the month of December
The gold will start marching towards moon may from 620-680$

This can be the levels where Gold may strike ........Next week i may write it for silver

Thanks & God bless

::: Sunil S Jain :::

Disclaimer: There is risk of loss in all commoditiestrading. I do not guarantee profits or pre-determined loss points, and are not held monetarily responsiblefor the trading losses of others::


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